Ini adalah keuntungan jika anda memakai domain premium seperti dot com .net .org. yang bisa anda beli dangan harga antara Rp.80,000-Rp.100,000 pertahun. Anda bisa menjual domain nya atau sekaligus websitenya dengan harga yang tinggi, bisa ratusan sampai ribuan dollar. Beberapa hal yang menentukan nilai jual website antara lain:
· Domain anda harus premium (bukan gratisan), semakin singkat dan mudah di ingat domain maka harga bisa semakin tinggi. contoh domain : (terjual 2,5 Juta US$), ( terjual US$ 50,000 di sitepoint)
barang berkualitas bagus
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
10 Hal Yang Tidak Bisa DiBeli Dengan Uang
Kita sering membicarakan tentang uang; bagaimana mendapatkan banyak uang, bagaimana mengatur pengeluaran, berapa yang ditabung, serta diinvestasikan di mana. Kita sibuk merencanakan, memikirkan, dan mengkhawatirkan uang yang kita miliki, sehingga seolah-olah uang adalah hal yang paling penting di dunia.
Tips dan Cara Mencari Duit Di Internet Dengan Google Adsense
Google Adsense adalah salah satu program yang sangat bagus di ikuti oleh anda yang memiliki website atau blog berbahasa inggris. anda bisa join dan jika di approve maka bisa memasang kode adsense untuk menampilkan iklan di website/blog. Anda akan memperoleh dollar dari setiap klik yang di lakuakan pengunjung ke iklan adsense tersebut. Besarnya nilai klik variatif bisa $0.01-$1-$10 bahkan lebih per klik nya. Jika anda sudah join adsense maka bisa melenkapi /memasang kode adsense di web/blog yang anda miliki Pembayaran dari Google Adsense sekarang juga cukup mudah karena sudah bisa melalui Western Union, jadi asal anda punya KTP dengan nama yang sama , maka bisa mencairkan pembayaran dari adsense menjadi Rupiah Cash melalui Kantor pos, BRI dan bank lain yang berlogo Western Union..
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tips Untuk Merencanakan Menjadi Orang Kaya http
Seberapa cepatkah anda menjadi kaya?
Keterangan :
Jika anda mau membangun rumah maka sebagian orang akan memanggil arsitek dan
arsitek itu bersama anda membuat rencana. Tetapi ketika orang yang sama memulai
membangun kekayaan mereka atau merencanakan masa depan, mereka tidak pernah
mendesain rencana finansial untuk hidup mereka. Mereka tidak mempunyai garis besar
rencana kerja untuk menjadi kaya. Bahkan banyak orang tidak mempunyai rencana,
mereka hanya menjalani hidup saja dan hanya bermimpi sewaktu-waktu mereka akan menjadi kaya. Banyak juga orang yang menggunakan satu-satunya jurus andalan, yaitu merencanakan
untuk bekerja keras dan mereka tidak pernah kaya. Karena apa yang mereka kerjakan
sekeras apapun memang tidak memungkinkan mereka untuk menjadi kaya.
Keterangan :
Jika anda mau membangun rumah maka sebagian orang akan memanggil arsitek dan
arsitek itu bersama anda membuat rencana. Tetapi ketika orang yang sama memulai
membangun kekayaan mereka atau merencanakan masa depan, mereka tidak pernah
mendesain rencana finansial untuk hidup mereka. Mereka tidak mempunyai garis besar
rencana kerja untuk menjadi kaya. Bahkan banyak orang tidak mempunyai rencana,
mereka hanya menjalani hidup saja dan hanya bermimpi sewaktu-waktu mereka akan menjadi kaya. Banyak juga orang yang menggunakan satu-satunya jurus andalan, yaitu merencanakan
untuk bekerja keras dan mereka tidak pernah kaya. Karena apa yang mereka kerjakan
sekeras apapun memang tidak memungkinkan mereka untuk menjadi kaya.
TIPS mengatasi kegemukan/ OVER WEIGHT
KEGEMUKAN atau dalam istilah kedokteran sering disebut dengan OBESITAS di jaman sekarang adalah suatu yang menjadi momok yang paling menakutkan. Mungkin menakutkan dari penyakit kanker Kiss. Karena dalam hal ini yang diserang selain fisik juga alam pikiran kita. Bagi seorang gadis remaja atau wanita dewasa yang belum memasuki dunia perkawinan, masalah obesitas bukan lagi menakutkan dilihat dari efek yang biasanya menyertainya berupa beberapa penyakit seperti diabetes, penyumbatan pembuluh darah, kanker, migrain, ataupun vertigo. Selain dari itu semua obesitas sekarang lebih dominan menyerang penderitanya dari sisi mental. Terutama dalam hal penampilan yang menjadi cenderung kurang menarik lawan jenis, kurang seksi, susah jongkok Sealed, cepat merasa lelah karena kemana-mana harus membawa beban berat.
TIPS tampil awet muda
1) Perbanyaklah minum air putih karena walaupun hanya sekedar air tawar ternyata mamilki khasiat yang tak terduga, ingat minimal 8 gelas setiap hari , cara kerja air putih ini berfungsi seperti sebuah ” Sapu ” yang menyapu lorong- lorong alat pencernaan kita.
2) Makanlah setelah lapar dan berhaenti sebelum kekenyangan , ingatkan pesan Rasulullah SAW . Ternyata tips ini sudah lama dipraktikan oleh penduduk negara matahari terbit ( Jepang ) , penduduk disana mayoritas ternyata berumur panjang dan awet muda karena mereka menerapkan suatu sistem yang bernama ” Berhenti makan setelah 80 % merasa kekenyangan “.
Tips Cerdik Meloloskan Diri dari Kencan Basi
Jika Anda sering pergi berkencan dengan lelaku yang berbeda-beda, Anda pasti akan menyedari satu hal: beberapa teman kencan memang luar biasa, tapi ada juga yang luar biasa menyebalkan. Biasanya hal ini Anda jumpai pada masa pendekatan/kencan pertama atau pada sesi kencan buta (blind date). Rasanya waktu satu menit berkencan seperti berhari-hari dan Anda tidak sabar untuk segera mengakhirinya. Ketika sebuah kencan berubah dari ‘buruk’ menjadi ‘basi’, hanya satu pertanyaan yang muncul di benak Anda: Bagaimana caranya meloloskan diri dari kencan ini? Berikut ini Tips Cerdik Meloloskan Diri dari Kencan Basi, berdasarkan tipe teman kencan Anda:
Tips Rahasia 13 Rayuan Yang Membuatnya Makin Mencintai Anda(buat cewe)
Semua orang pasti merasa bahagia jika mendengar kata-kata manis dari pasangannya, termasuk juga pria. Berikut ini akan memberikan rahasia 13 kata-kata manis yang bisa Anda ucapkan untuk membuat pasangan semakin menyayangi Anda:
Tips Menghindari Pembicaraan Tabu Soal Mantan Pacar
Suka atau tidak suka obrolan tentang hubungan cinta di masa lalu terkadang menguak ke permukaan. Tapi hati-hati, ada hal-hal tentang mantan yang sebaiknya tidak Anda ungkapkan alias tabu dibicarakan dengan pacar baru Anda. Terkadang pria ingin ‘sedikit’ mengintip masa lalu Anda bersama mantan untuk memetakan posisi dirinya disbanding mantan Anda sebelumnya. Oleh karenanya ia seringkali memancing dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar mantan Anda. Boleh-boleh saja Anda bercerita panjang-lebar tentang mantan pacar Anda, tapi harus taat pada rambu-rambunya.
A little story from my best friend
Today my best friend told me about her love life that failed for the umpteenth time. she just broke up with her boyfriend. it turns out, her boyfriend is a man who is not loyal and bored. My friend said "it is difficult for me to trust again and eliminate the trauma caused by the failure of her love". I think all the blame lies are in my friend's boyfriend because my friend was too good to be abandoned. I can only pray and give advice,I hope my best friend given a better man and i hope she always smile
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Indonesia Internet Contribution as Equivalent as Export Natural Gas
Internet direct contribution to the Indonesian economy in 2011 is predicted to about 1.6 percent or 13.3 billion U.S. dollars (about Rp 116 trillion). These contributions are equivalent to export liquefied natural gas in the same year.
Deloitte Access Economics director Ric Simes explains the growth of the Internet in Indonesia are growing faster than the Indonesian economy in general. In fact, in the next few years, Internet growth in Indonesia will continue to increase.
Deloitte Access Economics director Ric Simes explains the growth of the Internet in Indonesia are growing faster than the Indonesian economy in general. In fact, in the next few years, Internet growth in Indonesia will continue to increase.
HP will make its mobile operating system webOS as "open" or open source.
Hewlett Packard (HP) will make its mobile operating system webOS operating system as "open" or open source. HP says this is proof of their commitment will remain active in developing the webOS.
And last November, rumors had circulated HP is offering webOS to several other vendors. Some vendors are reportedly interested in buying webOS, including Amazon, RIM, IBM, Oracle, and Intel. However, HP finally decided to "liberate" webOS.
And last November, rumors had circulated HP is offering webOS to several other vendors. Some vendors are reportedly interested in buying webOS, including Amazon, RIM, IBM, Oracle, and Intel. However, HP finally decided to "liberate" webOS.
Guitar Toolkit: Learn Guitar In Digital
This application is one application that has the highest rank in the AppStore (iPhone). Application for the lovers of this music, especially guitar players provide support to play the 6 - and 12-string guitar, 4 -, 5 - and 6 strings - bass, banjo, mandolin, and ukulele with chord variety and alternatives for each instrument Guitar Toolkit also contains more 500,000 chords so easily used as a reference.
Because there are features of "chord finder" where you simply touch a note on the form fletboard chord, and chord Guitar Toolkit tell you that! It's very exciting and a great way to learn about chord-chord is played.
Because there are features of "chord finder" where you simply touch a note on the form fletboard chord, and chord Guitar Toolkit tell you that! It's very exciting and a great way to learn about chord-chord is played.
100 Thousand Trojan will Assault Android in 2012
The rapid growth of Android-based mobile gadget market raises its own concerns. Concerns that there is the Android OS berpotensinya invaded by malicious programs, such as trojans. To that end, the security of the Android OS itself should be improved. One security firm Trend Micro said the mobile realm will be the focus of security in 2012. Where Android predicted would become the main target of the attack of malicious programs more than 100 thousand trojan.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
For the sake of Advertising, Twitter Changing Faces
Twitter Inc., 140-character microblogging service, redesigning their website. This new format is optimized for the sponsors.
One of the flagship features of this new format is how it looks simpler. "We want to offer simplicity in an increasingly complex world," said Dick Costolo, Chief Executive Oficer Twitter as quoted by Kompas Tekno from Bloomberg, Sunday (11/12/2011).
One of the flagship features of this new format is how it looks simpler. "We want to offer simplicity in an increasingly complex world," said Dick Costolo, Chief Executive Oficer Twitter as quoted by Kompas Tekno from Bloomberg, Sunday (11/12/2011).
Android Market Surpasses 10 Billion Downloads
Google has announced that as of December 2011, more than 10 billion apps have been downloaded from the Android Market Android users. That number has increased rapidly since July 2011, the number of applications downloaded for only around 6 billion.
According to data quoted by Kompas Tekno from The Telegraph, Monday (12/12/2011), the number of Android-enabled devices in the world reached 500,000 per day. Android users who download the application from the Android Market is spread in 190 countries.
According to data quoted by Kompas Tekno from The Telegraph, Monday (12/12/2011), the number of Android-enabled devices in the world reached 500,000 per day. Android users who download the application from the Android Market is spread in 190 countries.
L.A. Noire (Game)
A dark and violent crime thriller, set against the backdrop of 1940's Los Angeles and utilizing revolutionary new facial animation technology, L.A. Noire blends the breathtaking action of chases and shootouts with true detective work including interrogations and clue-finding, as newly-minted officer Cole Phelps embarks on a desperate search for truth in a city where everyone has something to hide.
- Move the post-war Los Angeles and fully feel the atmosphere nuarnogo detective action / adventure with a fascinating story and great gameplay.
- In L.A. Noire, for the first time in the history of games using the latest technology Motion Scan, which allows unprecedented accuracy to pass the smallest movement of the body, and most spectacular - in detail to show facial expressions of characters.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Playboy Magazine Latest Leaks in Peer to Peer
December issue of Playboy magazine that contains nude photos of Lindsay Lohan and supposed to be circulating in the market next week has been leaked on Friday. Is known to leak after a few photos for his outstanding issue on the site for file sharing based in Russia.
Lindsay Lohan is full of relevant articles in the edition is complete with 10 photographs of naked celebrities are available for purchase in the file storage services, through websites, a Ukrainian magazine store site. In fact, a complete edition of the magazine can also be downloaded.
The person responsible for the appearance of Lohan naked pictures on the site that claimed to have downloaded more than 200 files each containing one-page edition of the magazine.
Lindsay Lohan is full of relevant articles in the edition is complete with 10 photographs of naked celebrities are available for purchase in the file storage services, through websites, a Ukrainian magazine store site. In fact, a complete edition of the magazine can also be downloaded.
The person responsible for the appearance of Lohan naked pictures on the site that claimed to have downloaded more than 200 files each containing one-page edition of the magazine.
Kimia Farma Relieve Create AIDS Drug
East Java Provincial Health Office launched the development of the HIV virus and AIDS sufferers continues to increase. Surabaya in East Java ranks first, with the amount of 20 thousand people recorded in the year 2010. A total of six thousand of whom tested positive for HIV / AIDS.
"That data is successfully revealed," said Mudjib Afan, Head of East Java Provincial Health Office at the Seminar on HIV / AIDS in Surabaya, Thursday, December 8, 2011.
"That data is successfully revealed," said Mudjib Afan, Head of East Java Provincial Health Office at the Seminar on HIV / AIDS in Surabaya, Thursday, December 8, 2011.
This reason Creators of Super Mario Bros from Retiring
Online media around the world discussed the resignation rumors Shigeru Miyamoto. Parties had to deny rumors that Nintendo and Miyamoto stated no intention of retiring.
In fact, Game creators of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda was back from his current position at Nintendo. Male 59 years has been chosen to concentrate on smaller projects are more personal.
In an exclusive interview with, Head of Game Design Nintendo is saying that he wanted did not want to supervise the development of legendary games like Legend of Zelda, Syward Sword, and Super Mario Bros..
Miyamoto wanted to provide the opportunity for young developers. Miyamoto will only work on small projects that do not require a long time to do it.
Miyamoto always tell young game developers is to send a message that he would not always be around them to work with them.
He did not want game developers to rely on him and follow what is ordered to make this game and the game.
"Developer young always in a position to listen to my ideas. But I need some people who grow further than that. This is my reaction to an existing team," he said.
Miyamoto also feel tired the creation and develop legendary games that take five years in the process. At present he only wanted to make a small game that was built by himself could be published in 2012.
"I just wanted to make something really small, and may only be assisted by young developers," he said.
In fact, Game creators of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda was back from his current position at Nintendo. Male 59 years has been chosen to concentrate on smaller projects are more personal.
In an exclusive interview with, Head of Game Design Nintendo is saying that he wanted did not want to supervise the development of legendary games like Legend of Zelda, Syward Sword, and Super Mario Bros..
Miyamoto wanted to provide the opportunity for young developers. Miyamoto will only work on small projects that do not require a long time to do it.
Miyamoto always tell young game developers is to send a message that he would not always be around them to work with them.
He did not want game developers to rely on him and follow what is ordered to make this game and the game.
"Developer young always in a position to listen to my ideas. But I need some people who grow further than that. This is my reaction to an existing team," he said.
Miyamoto also feel tired the creation and develop legendary games that take five years in the process. At present he only wanted to make a small game that was built by himself could be published in 2012.
"I just wanted to make something really small, and may only be assisted by young developers," he said.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Angry Birds Seasons 2011
Download Game :
Crack :
HOW to install:
1. Install Angry Birds Seasons 2 installer
2. Extract, Copy and paste the crack files in the folder “C: \ Program Files \ Rovio \ Angry Birds Seasons”,
if the notification appears, click Replace.
3. Run the angry birds seasons, click “Activate full version”
4. Enter any serial. For example 123456789.
Crack :
HOW to install:
1. Install Angry Birds Seasons 2 installer
2. Extract, Copy and paste the crack files in the folder “C: \ Program Files \ Rovio \ Angry Birds Seasons”,
if the notification appears, click Replace.
3. Run the angry birds seasons, click “Activate full version”
4. Enter any serial. For example 123456789.
Final Destination 5 (2011)
Release Date: 19 August 2011 (Indonesia)
Genre: Horror | Thriller
Cast: Nicholas D'Agosto, Emma Bell and Arlen Escarpeta
Quality: BluRay 720p
Encoder: SayFull@Ganool
Source: 720p Bluray x264-TWiZTED
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
In Final Destination 5, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.
Download Here
Release Date: 19 August 2011 (Indonesia)
Genre: Horror | Thriller
Cast: Nicholas D'Agosto, Emma Bell and Arlen Escarpeta
Quality: BluRay 720p
Encoder: SayFull@Ganool
Source: 720p Bluray x264-TWiZTED
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
In Final Destination 5, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.
Download Here
The Muppets (2011)
Release Date: 23 November 2011
Genre: Comedy | Family | Musical
Stars: Amy Adams, Jason Segel and Chris Cooper
Quality: TS
Encoder: Demitos@Ganool
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
When 3 muppet fans learn that Tex Richman wants to drill under the muppet theater for oil Gary, Mary and Walter set out to find the muppets who have been split up for years Kermit lives in his own mansion depressed in hollywood, Gonzo is a high class plumber at Gonzo's Royal Flush, Fozzie performs with a tribute band called The Moopets , Miss Piggy is the plus-size fashion editor at Vogue Paris, and Animal is at a celebrity anger managment rehab center in Santa Barbara.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Is there a creature on the planet Kepler-22b
Scientist Space Agency (NASA) reveals the existence of planets that could support life (habitable). His name, Kepler-22b. Found by the Kepler space telescope.
The scientists continue to assess the "twin Earth" was. Based on recent research, Kepler-22b identified the amount of two times the size of Earth, with an average temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.
Kepler-22b also has an atmosphere that could support life. Almost perfect, except that this deficiency: the distance is too far away, 600 light years from Earth.
The scientists continue to assess the "twin Earth" was. Based on recent research, Kepler-22b identified the amount of two times the size of Earth, with an average temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.
Kepler-22b also has an atmosphere that could support life. Almost perfect, except that this deficiency: the distance is too far away, 600 light years from Earth.
Revealed, Mysterious Object Near Mercury
The giant planet-sized object appears near Mercury. Objects encourages the appearance of UFO hunters come from all over the world researching. They suspect the object is an aircraft owned by aliens.
From the images taken by NASA's telescope, the object suddenly comes when the sun do the coronal ejection. When the flame was passed Mercury, a round object appears present at his side.
From the images taken by NASA's telescope, the object suddenly comes when the sun do the coronal ejection. When the flame was passed Mercury, a round object appears present at his side.
This Myths and Facts About BlackBerry
Research in Motion (RIM) dismissed the issues related sloping BlackBerry. RIM's vice president, Alec Saunders, dismissed the notion that BlackBerry sales declined recently.
"Sales declined BlackBerry? That's a myth!" Alec firmly in BlackBerry Devcon Asia 2011 in Singapore, Wednesday (12/07/2011). According to Alec, such an assumption is not true. BlackBerry users have increased by 20 million users from last year.
"Sales declined BlackBerry? That's a myth!" Alec firmly in BlackBerry Devcon Asia 2011 in Singapore, Wednesday (12/07/2011). According to Alec, such an assumption is not true. BlackBerry users have increased by 20 million users from last year.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
India forced Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook censor Content
Government of India has asked Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook to remove content disparaging and slandering politicians. Defamatory and disparaging content that should be automatically erased before online to the Internet.
Kapil Sibal, Minister of Telecommunications of India has called for the executive four large technology companies. Sibal think that the internet is full of people who despise each other and posting slanderous and should be censored. Four companies have chosen is considered the greatest contribution.
Kapil Sibal, Minister of Telecommunications of India has called for the executive four large technology companies. Sibal think that the internet is full of people who despise each other and posting slanderous and should be censored. Four companies have chosen is considered the greatest contribution.
The dominance of the Stage Developer Indonesia Devcon Asia
developer Indonesia dominates the stage BlackBerry Devcon (Developers Conference) Asia which took place at the Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre Singapore, Tuesday (12/07/2011).BBDEV-ID is the largest developer community in the world today.- Christopher Smith, vice president of RIM
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
11 Technology Trends Predictions 2012
Consumerism and cloud computing (cloud) would be two important trends in 2012. IT companies, distributors until the user gadgets have to prepare yourself.
Gartner's managing vice president, Daryl Plummer, describes anyone who utilize the technology must be ready to adapt to the cloud and consumerism. "Users now control the device has. The business owner also must control its IT budget in the next few years," said Plummer.
Gartner's managing vice president, Daryl Plummer, describes anyone who utilize the technology must be ready to adapt to the cloud and consumerism. "Users now control the device has. The business owner also must control its IT budget in the next few years," said Plummer.
Coming End of the Year, Opera 6.11 comes
Towards the end of 2011, Opera Software introduces Opera 11.60. This is the latest update of Opera are deliberately excluded as a "year-end gift" for its use.
"It is better to give than receive, so why not give the new browser to a special person," said Jan Standal VP of Desktop Products, Opera Software in a statement received, Tuesday (12/06/2011).
"It is better to give than receive, so why not give the new browser to a special person," said Jan Standal VP of Desktop Products, Opera Software in a statement received, Tuesday (12/06/2011).
A Livable Planet Confirmed
Kepler spacecraft re-create the surprise. NASA announced on Monday (12/05/2011) that one of the 2326 findings of Kepler planetary candidates have been confirmed as a planet habitable.
"This is a phenomenal discovery. This proves that Homo sapiens is getting closer to our achievements in the universe to find a planet that reminds us of home. We're almost there," said Geoff Marcy, a researcher from the University of California, Berkeley, told the AP on Tuesday (12/06/2011).
"This is a phenomenal discovery. This proves that Homo sapiens is getting closer to our achievements in the universe to find a planet that reminds us of home. We're almost there," said Geoff Marcy, a researcher from the University of California, Berkeley, told the AP on Tuesday (12/06/2011).
Monday, December 5, 2011
6 Steps to Securing Your Facebook Account
Facebook fraud is rampant. Although Facebook is also doing block, the user needs to secure their accounts. Consider the following ropes.
You need to realize that the antivirus program can not detect a scam because the scam is not a virus. You as an internet user should always be wary of scams like this.
If your Facebook account controlled by scammers and used to spread the scam link, surely you are not directly contribute to making friends of your Facebook contacts into your Facebook account theft victim.
You need to realize that the antivirus program can not detect a scam because the scam is not a virus. You as an internet user should always be wary of scams like this.
If your Facebook account controlled by scammers and used to spread the scam link, surely you are not directly contribute to making friends of your Facebook contacts into your Facebook account theft victim.
Mystery of 'The manuscripts of the Prophet' solved
Written in foreign letters with little sketches as illustrations, Voynich Manuscript maintained a secret for hundreds of years. This manuscript has puzzled historians, cryptographers, and bibliophiles for centuries.
Facebook Ready to Open Jobs
last week, Facebook announced their plans to expand dramatically to their operations. The social networking giant said will increase the number of personnel to enhance the features, as well as write new program code for a site that has linked more than 800 million Internet users in the world.
"We will be adding thousands of new employees next year," said Cheryl Sandberg, Facebook's Chief Operation Officer, as quoted by FoxNews, December 5, 2011. As an illustration, Facebook currently has about 3 thousand employees in California but only 100 employees in New York and will be added.
"We will be adding thousands of new employees next year," said Cheryl Sandberg, Facebook's Chief Operation Officer, as quoted by FoxNews, December 5, 2011. As an illustration, Facebook currently has about 3 thousand employees in California but only 100 employees in New York and will be added.
FIFA Apply the goal-line technology in Brazil in 2014 PD
FIFA President, Sepp Blatter, revealed that in 2014 Brazil World Cup later, it would introduce goal line technology.
The use of technology has actually been proposed since a long time. However, FIFA's insistence in order to use this technology started high after Frank Lampard's goal in World Cup 2010 and then failed to properly observed by the referee.
The use of technology has actually been proposed since a long time. However, FIFA's insistence in order to use this technology started high after Frank Lampard's goal in World Cup 2010 and then failed to properly observed by the referee.
11 Sites Download Movies Korea seized the U.S.
Of United States law enforcement has seized 11 domain names. All the confiscated alleged movie download sites are intended for users in South Korea.
This is a continuation of the anti-piracy operation that was held the U.S. government with the title "In Our Sites". As reported by TorrentFreak, Monday (12/05/2011), this is the first time the operation was targeting sites that are not intended for U.S. society.
This is a continuation of the anti-piracy operation that was held the U.S. government with the title "In Our Sites". As reported by TorrentFreak, Monday (12/05/2011), this is the first time the operation was targeting sites that are not intended for U.S. society.
Which is More Secure, Android or the IOS?
McAfee released a survey that showed that Apple IOS considered more secure than Android. However, there is no any mobile device safe from risks, including the malicious application attacks (malware).
Citing CNet, Android considered most vulnerable to malware with a value of about 63 percent, 20 percent followed by Java ME, Symbian 7 percent, BlackBerry OS 6 percent, and others 4 percent.
Symbian Still "King" World Phone
IOS Apple's market share in mobile phone operating system market (feature phone and smartphone) world continues to increase until succeeded beyond Android, Symbian though still in the top position.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Recommend Canon Printer Ink Saver
Canon has introduced eight new printers in Indonesia. Including, the claimed saving E500 Pixma ink.
Pixma E500 is said to have a large capacity cartridges and Ink Efficient technologies equipped with so-called ink can be more efficient.
Pixma E500 is said to have a large capacity cartridges and Ink Efficient technologies equipped with so-called ink can be more efficient.
Apple Failed Block Samsung Galaxy in the U.S.
Apple wasn't able to convince the U.S. courts to block the Samsung Galaxy. In the district court in San Jose, Calif., Lucy Koh judge rejected the petition Apple to block the Samsung in the U.S..
Palm Secure, Use of Blood Vessels for "Absent"
Fujitsu Systems Indonesia introduced a product called the Palm Secure. This machine can perform user identification with the palm of the hand, without a touch. The machine was claimed to be better than fingerprint-based machines are already widely used.
Friday, December 2, 2011
phpMyAdmin 3.4.8
phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL.
Firefox 9.0 Beta 4
The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.
- User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
- Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
This tool Create a pee So Fun
The idea originally came from the toilet at Schiphol airport, Amsterdam. There, the urinal was painted with the image in order that the men who throw urine in there to have something as a target. Thus, a janitor working also so much lighter because there is not much urine is splattered on the floor.
However, a British company to bring further innovation. They designed the urinal is equipped with a video screen. Through this screen, the man who urinated in their urine there can point to the left and right, to control their characters ice skating down the hill.
Quoted from dailymail, 29 November 2011, Captive Media, the company that developed urine-based game takes four years to develop. This tool was designed waterproof, shock resistant and uses a screen that meeting.
However, a British company to bring further innovation. They designed the urinal is equipped with a video screen. Through this screen, the man who urinated in their urine there can point to the left and right, to control their characters ice skating down the hill.
Quoted from dailymail, 29 November 2011, Captive Media, the company that developed urine-based game takes four years to develop. This tool was designed waterproof, shock resistant and uses a screen that meeting.
iPhone 5 Launched in May next year?
Apple has just launched the iPhone 4S early October. However, it turns out Apple is rumored to have been preparing for the iPhone 5. This latest series was called the iPhone ready to be introduced in May next year. As quoted from the pages of The Telegraph, influential sources at Apple said, the biggest changes seen with a larger screen. 4 inch sized screen is ready mounted, 0.5-inch larger than the existing iPhone today. By enlarging the size of the iPhone, Apple seemed to answer the teasing number of Android-based smartphone manufacturer, the flagship product has a larger screen than the iPhone.
Wikileaks expose Espionage Mass in the IT Industry
Having had time to vacuum a few months, Wikileaks via its founder, Julian Assange, again shocking the world by revealing "leaked" a new, named Spy Files Project, on Thursday (01/12/2011) local time.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Miranda Kerr vs. Adriana Lima at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
A dizzying array of models strutted the runway in the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, but the night kind of came down to just two women: Miranda Kerr and Adriana Lima.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tekken: Blood Vengeance (2011)

The plot, which takes place between the events of Tekken 5 and Tekken 6, begins with Anna Williams setting up a decoy for her sister, Nina Williams, who is currently working with the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Jin Kazama. Anna, on the other hand, works for Jin's father, Kazuya Mishima and its rival organization, G Corporation. Both are seeking information about a student named Shin Kamiya, and Anna dispatches as a Chinese student Ling Xiaoyu to act as a spy, while Jin sends humanoid robot Alisa Bosconovitch for a similar purpose.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
On the night of her wedding to Edward Cullen, Bella Swan is visited by her friend Jacob Black. When Bella accidentally indicates to him that she and Edward plan to consummate their marriage during their honeymoon, Jacob tries to attack Edward but members of his wolf pack hold him back. He then runs off into the woods, and Edward takes an upset Bella back to the reception.
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- This tool Create a pee So Fun
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Dec 2011