
barang berkualitas bagus

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ini akhir ato tambah menguatkn hubungan kita? Itu smua tergantung cara km menanggapi masalah.
U made big problems
Ak tau dia menyimpan masalahnya sndiri dan ga cerita2 sama ak.
So,ak jg kena imbasnya

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sekarang dia yg ga bisa ditebak, kadang moodnya bagus, kadang ga.
Kadang cuek, kadang perhatian.
Kayaknya dia punya 2 kepribadian

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Akhirnya ak tau dia sayang ak. Dia cuek cuman krn dia lg ad mslh. Ak tau dia cwe terbaik buat ak
Dan skrg gw ga tau harus ap lg, dia cuek bgt, gw tau dia ad masalah, tp masa gw jg kena, dia sebenernya sayang ga sih sama gw.
Y udh, gw coba tes aja ya, hari ini gw ga usah hub dia, dia pst ga bakalan hub gw jg, huuh, kenyataan ga seindah mimpi gw slama ini.

Friday, January 3, 2014

She changes,she makes me uncertain.
Maybe this is my consequences, but it makes me hurt.
I cant tell her,coz i know the situation isnt good.
She doesnt want to know my Condition, she doesnt look for me.
I know she had a problem,but i dont like she "cuek".
When the first time she loved me, she always look for me, she want to know how is my condition, she always protect me from another girls, i can feel it her heart changes. I fell it.
Maybe if i got a sick, she wont care.
Ive try to tell her, but i think,she prefer to thinking about her problem than me.
But,anyway i love her sooo muuuch, coz she is the best girl that i've ever had